Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Teens and Mobile

The presence of a cell phone (mobile) or mobile phones have changed people's lives. The distance has been accused ringleader of difficulties, no longer blocking power. Most teens today feel themselves highly dependent on mobile phones. According to him, the presence of cell phones helps the ease of life, communication. Purpose of the ease of living that is what forced him to decide to use the phone a few years ago. The reason is able to communicate with ease.
Most of the teens said that the main purpose of using the phone is, "As a communication tool and as a connector for a relationship, as entertainment, and did not rule as an additional tool to help in the smooth running business."

Can not be denied again, for those who live in urban areas, in the modern world that demands everything is a quick and easy, have a cell phone like a necessity. This gap would be a great opportunity for the company's communications get advantage. They are competing to develop technologies that already exist in order to give birth to new products that will fill the market. Through these innovations, they forced the urban beings increase their daily needs. Technological developments would not have achieved the perfect word in the strict sense. Therefore, no single technology that was developed has reached the final phase. Innovations and subsequent discoveries still follow an existing achievement. The process was continued, following the desires, passions, and human needs.

One thing that can’t be avoided is the technology would bring side effects that affect human life. No matter how small, must possess the technology to "force", makes people become dependent on it.

Against reliance Mobile

Some people claim to its dependence on mobile phones has reached a high level. 
However, the nature of "forcing" it is relative, of course. In places far from the frenetic city wrapped in technological advances, people may still not be able to imagine the form of a phone. The progress of human civilization which coincided with the growing needs of life, has forced the presence of cell phones. Its presence has changed the pattern of human life. Mobile phones become important things that shape a person's lifestyle and society. Said smart people, this is the development of civilization. Like it or not its presence can’t be circumvented.

Positive and Negative Impact of Mobile

Mobile technology advances very rapidly lead to positive and negative effects for its users, especially teenagers.

Positive Impact:

1. Facilitate communication.
2. Increase knowledge about the development of technology.
3. Expanding the network of friendship.

Negative impact:

1. Interfere with the Child Development:

With the advanced features available in mobile phone (HP) as: cameras, games (games) will interfere with adolescents in their lessons at school / college. Not infrequently they were busy with calls, message, miscall from their friends and even from their own families. Worse yet is using the HP for cheating (cheating) in the test. Playing games while the teacher / lecturer to explain the lesson and so on. If it is allowed, then the generation that we hope will be a slave to technology.

2. Effects of radiation

In addition to the various controversies surrounding the use of negative impacts. the use of HP also have a negative impact on health, it helps teens more cautious and prudent in the use or choose HP, especially for students of children. If it is not really necessary, should the children do not always given the opportunity to use HP permanently.

3. Vulnerable to crime.

Remember, teenagers and student is one of the main targets of the criminals.

4. Is potentially influence adolescent attitudes and behavior.

If there is no control of the parents, HP can be used to deploy images containing pornographic elements and so that did not deserve a student.

5. Waste

With HP have, then we will increase spending, especially if HP is only used for things that are not useful then it will just be a waste of the course.

1 comment:

  1. Being a subscriber of an Australian internet service provider, I am aware that technology can really bring a lot of disadvantages if not handled properly.
